Your First Traditional Chinese Medicine Visit
Your first treatment will begin with an extensive interview covering most aspects of your health and habits. The practitioner will then look at your tongue and feel your pulse. All the information will be assessed to create a total picture of your state of health. If we feel that Chinese medicine would be effective for you, a plan for your treatment will then be created and an acupuncture treatment will be given. Your first treatment will take about 75 minutes, with subsequent treatments lasting 45-60 minutes.
Acupuncture uses hair-thin needles and is usually painless. All needles used are sterile and disposable. Most people find acupuncture very relaxing; in fact, many patients fall asleep on the table.
To prepare for an acupuncture treatment:
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Do not eat a big meal just prior
- But do not be hungry
- An initial treatment will last from 1 to 1-1/4 hours